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Ram Mandir : purpose to make temple

Ram Mandir : purpose to make temple

In 1853, group of armed Hindu saint's , ocuppied babri masjid of nirmohi Akhara , and claimed to ownership of the structure. Subsequent, the civil administration stepped in, and in 1855, divided the mosque into two parts : one part of Hindu and another one of Muslim.
Nirmohi Akhara
Nirmohi Akhara

In 1883, the hindu launched an effort to made temple at the site. But the administration denied them the permission to do this, they took the matter at court. In 1885, Hindu sub judge pandit Hari Kishan Singh dismissed the lawsuit. In 1886 higher court also dismissed the lawsuit. In December 1949, some Hindu placed idols of Rama and sita in the mosque and claimed that they had miraculously appeared there. As thousand of Hindu devotees started visiting the place . The administration locked the mosque after some time. Subsequent, multiple lawsuit from Hindu, asking for permission to convert the site into Hindu temple.

In the 1980, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and other Hindu nationalist groups and political parties launched a compaign to make ram Mandir on ram janmabhoomi ("Rama birthplace temple") at the site. The Rajiv Gandhi government allowed the Hindu devotees to pray at the site. On 6 December 1992, Hindu nationalists demolished the mosque, resulting in communal riots leading over 2000 deaths.

In 2003, the archaeological survey of India (ASI) conducted excavation of the site on court order. They find the massive Hindu temple structure of North Indian style and also find the heavy evidence of rama's and sita temple are held the site in aceient time. The Muslim group are also  involved in the team of ASI, they also support these arguments and dismissed them as political motivated.

In 2009, the Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) released its election manifesto , repeating it's promise to constructed the Rama temple at the site.

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