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France abolish monarchy and became republic

France abolish monarchy and became a republic

The situation in France continued to be tense during the following years. Although louis XVI passed the constitution, he entered into secret negotiation with king of Prussia. Rulers of other neighouring countries have worried by the development of France, they made plane to send troops in summer of 1789. Befor this could happen the national assembly voted in April 1792 to declared was against purssia and Austria. Thousand of volunteers thronged from the provinces to join the army. They saw the war against king and nobles of the countries. They sang the patriotic song marscillaise. It was written by Roget de L' Isle. It was sung for the first time by volunteers from Marseilles as they marched into Paris and so got this name. The marscillaise is now the national anthem of France.

The revolutionary wars brought losses and economic difficulties to the people. While the men were fighting in front, were the women left cope with the tasks of earning a living and looking after their families large section of the population were convinced that they revolution had to be carried further, as the constitution 1791 gave political rights only to the richer section of the society. The clubs makes rallying points for the people who plan and policies their own forms of action. The most successful clubs of there is jacobins, which got its name from the former convent of st jocib in paris. Women too, who had been active they make there own clubs.

The members of the jacobins club belonged mainly to the less prosperous section of society. They included small shopkeepers, artisans such as shoemaker, pastry cooks, watch-makers, printers, as well as servants and daily-wage workers. Their leader was Maximilian Robespierre. A large group among the jacobins decided to start wearing long striped trousers similar to those worn by dock workers. This was set by themselves apart from the fashionable section of society, especially nobles, who wore knee breeches. It was a way of proclaiming the end of the power evielded by the wearer's of knee breey. These jacobins came to be known as the sans-culottes, literally meaning'those without knee breeches' sans-culottes men wore in addition of red cap that symbolised liberty.

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